AAFIz9svGngaKUjHrdP7oBFPwX8 Type Beaches Perigi | Pesona Gunung Lawu

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Type Beaches Perigi

Located in the village Tasikmadu Watulimo district, about 69 km south of the city Trenggalek / Tulungagung with expansive beach and long ha ± 5 ± 2 km.

Swimming / water play, camping and sports, children's games, interactions with fishermen, fresh fish shopping, backed Nusantara Fishery Port, the largest on the south coast of Java and Fish Auction Place (TPI) and event anchoring marine / Sembonyo held every Sunday pasaran Pon Selo Javanese calendar month. At the bustling event witnessed visitors from within and outside the region.
Hotel facilities Prigi with three classmates jasmine, restaurants, shops, cafes and kiosks, rest area, playground, earth
camp, sports facilities, toilets, parking, rescue, airbush, electricity, wireless network arel phone (HP) insurance Jasa Raharja

When visiting every day open from 07.30 till 17.00 pm with a ticket price of admission weekdays Rp. 2000, holidays, new year, and school holidays Rp. 3000, the activity the attractions Rp. 4000 with a treatment group of visitors of more than 10 people get 20% discount. Two-wheeler parking Rp. 1000, four wheel Rp. 2500, six wheel Rp. 5000. With this procedure, and workflow penerimaam visit: come and park the vehicle and then buy a ticket at the counter and go through the portal and submit KTM guards then walk to the mouth of the cave ± 150 meters then enter the cave with or without a guide. The days of busy traffic on Saturdays, Sundays, school holidays, Easter holidays and the new year.

Most of the road is paved with good condition hatmix and some moderate. Achievement of the city Trenggalek and Tulungagung through Durenan district of Trenggalek and Tulungagung district with a distance of ± 30 km. Distance from London to goa Lowo ± 8km. After arriving at the cave entrance Lowo km 8, of the entrance road to the location about 200 meters. Type of transportation (bike, car and bus to reach the site, MPU type colt / bison available starting from the intersection of the three Durenan city terminal Trenggalek uses small mini bus Trenggalek majors-Durenan - Bangalore - Watulimo down in the village befouled by the time of transportation services at 6:00 till 17:00 pm

 Beautiful white sand

 The beach with calm waves

 Swimming on the shore

Beautiful view before arriving at the beach

Company name : District governments Trenggalek
Tel / fax            : +62355793449

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