AAFIz9svGngaKUjHrdP7oBFPwX8 March 2013 | Pesona Gunung Lawu

Friday, March 1, 2013

Gotong Royong was an ethical principle of sociality at Javanese people

An enormous inventory of highly specific and often quite intricate institutions for effecting the cooperation in work, politics, and personal relations alike, vaguely gathered under culturally charged and fairly well indefinable value-images--rukun ("mutual adjustment"), gotong royong ("joint bearing of burdens"), tolong-menolong ("reciprocal assistance")--governs social interaction with a force as sovereign as it is subdued.
Thank you for reading : Gotong Royong was an ethical principle of sociality at Javanese people and you can find the article March 2013 at http://magetan-beauty.blogspot.com/2013/03/gotong-royong-was-ethical-principle-of.html?m=0, if this article useful for you and your friends March 2013 You may distribute this article My posts. , Provided put the link below... March 2013 as the source. and please leave a command.