Monday, January 14, 2013


Pacitan hilly awarded several caves are quite interesting. Gong Cave and Tabuhan Cave are two of them. Different conditions and charm served by both. Gong cave with stalactites and stalagmites beauty, while the Tabuhan Cave with rocks in it the sound that creates rhythm instrument ensemble.

Gong Cave is located in Bomo Punung Pacitan, East Java. Smoothly road with some road directions help you reach these attractions. Once you pay for a ticket for Rp 4,000, - and began to climb the ranks of the stairs to the cave site, be prepared. Some residents will vigorously follow and offer you the services of a guide, a flashlight and a brochure history of the cave. Despite the fine was rejected several times still stalking and trying to seduce. But do not worry they are quite polite and does not force.

If you have time to listen to an explanation, there is no harm in taking services of a guide. In addition to free themselves from the 'attack', maybe there will be some useful information. The cost is usually based on our willingness guide only. But if you are the type who prefers to roam freely without time bound and explanations, resist gently. After a long time they will get bored and away from you.

Cave entrance gate decorated with roofed stupa. Rolling door can be mounted behind locked gates. Perhaps as a security door from the hands of ignorant that will damage the cave after visiting hours. Path with stairs and stainless railings are provided to facilitate visitors.

Beautiful views of the caves are still living with stalagtite and stalagmite that continues to grow and develop lay here. Beautiful lighting adds a dramatic impression of the various forms created by the water droplets that carry lime and other minerals. Who knows how many hundred years will it take to create a pretty spectacular scenery in this place.

Referring to his name, Gong Cave, in the minds of would have imagined gong round shape with a bulge in the middle. But make no mistake, you will get burned when searching for such a form in this cave. Apparently the name of Gua Gong does not refer to the form, but to the sound. One of the great curtain-shaped stone, when struck sounds like a gong sound. That is the background naming. Each guide will certainly explain passing and hitting those curtains. Wow, sir, brother do not hit him hard, then a beautiful curtain can be damaged.

Other Gua Gong, different treats you'll get from Cave wasps. There is no beauty that is found in the Cave of wasps. Cave of the dead consists only of a room at the front and a short hallway to a room that supposedly once a place Sentot Prawirodirjo imprisoned, one of the men of Prince Diponegoro. But do not trigger a disappointment, this cave has an appeal that is quite unique. The rocks in it will create a sensation when it sounded like the sound of the gamelan.

You do not need to bother to trying to hit a rock or cave wall to listen to the sound tetabuhan. Simply pay Rp 50,000, - and sit in front of the "stage" in the cave. A group of people, usually consisting of 12 people, will play rock style music to your cave. Singer melodious voice accompanied by the beat of drums and naturally it will be presenting five songs. Beautiful musical harmony, as if not to make us believe that it was created from the sound rocks. Javanese song pretty smart, making the body unconsciously come to dance to the music. Besides Javanese songs, sometimes in selipi well with the song that was popular at the time. As the song Matta band that had played at the time.

Tabuhan Cave at a Glance 

Thank you for reading : GONG CAVE, CAVE IN BEAUTIFUL PACITAN and you can find the article GONG CAVE, CAVE IN BEAUTIFUL PACITAN at http://magetan-beauty.blogspot.com/2013/01/gong-cave-cave-in-beautiful-pacitan.html?m=0, if this article useful for you and your friends GONG CAVE, CAVE IN BEAUTIFUL PACITAN You may distribute this article My posts. , Provided put the link below... GONG CAVE, CAVE IN BEAUTIFUL PACITAN as the source. and please leave a command.


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