AAFIz9svGngaKUjHrdP7oBFPwX8 Strong women | Pesona Gunung Lawu

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Strong women

Strong women

Actors wore masks shaped head of a lion with a crown made of peacock feathers. Weight mask can reach 50-60 kg. This heavy mask carried by the dancers with teeth. The ability to bring this mask than obtained with heavy exercise, also believed to be obtained with a spiritual practice such as fasting and asceticism.

in another appearance

Players in general are men who have been trained.

Thank you for reading : Strong women and you can find the article Strong women at https://magetan-beauty.blogspot.com/2013/09/strong-women.html, if this article useful for you and your friends Strong women You may distribute this article My posts. , Provided put the link below... Strong women as the source. and please leave a command.


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