
Monday, February 18, 2013

Campursari Music Art Culture the Original of Java

Campursari term in the world of Indonesia's national music refers to a mixture of (crossover) several genres of contemporary music of Indonesia. Campursari name is taken from the actual Java language is common. Music campursari in the central to eastern Java, in particular related to the modification of gamelan musical instruments that can be combined with western musical instruments, or vice versa. In fact, these instruments 'foreign' this 'subject' in the grip favored local music: Java style and gending. Campursari first popularized by Manthous by incorporating keyboards into the gamelan orchestra in the late 1980s through the ensemble "Forward Current". Then the rapid entry of new elements such as Java style (keroncong) and finally dangdut. In the decade of the 2000s was known campursari forms a mixture of gamelan and keroncong (eg Kena Goda by Nurhana), a mixture of gamelan and dangdut, as well as mixed keroncong and dangdut (congdut, popular songs Didi Kempot). Despite the development campursari criticized by proponents of purity streams of music, all parties agreed that campursari revitalize traditional music in the land of Java.

There are several figures campursari, but that deserves to be discussed here because the effect is strong enough and Didi Kempot Manthous. Regarding these two figures, a full discussion will be written in the following section.

Songwriter and composer

Manthous was born in the village of Playen Gunungkidul in 1950. When he was 16 years old, Manthous ventured to Jakarta. The main choice is live singing, which he regards as representing talent. However, in 1969 he joined the orchestra kroncong BintangJakarta [led by Budiman BJ]. Then, in 1976, who is also an expert Manthous founded the band playing bass Bieb characteristically funky blues rock along with the Bieb son of Benjamin S. Bieb Blues last until the year 1980. Then, Manthous joined Idris Sardi, the group Gambang Kromong Benjamin S. In addition, he previously was chief accompanist when it appeared droll Bing Slamet Quartet Jaya Group.

It seems all the experience that makes Manthous master any genre. In the treasure of dangdut, in fact, he also became role model for being able to create play tricks bass, which was then emulated by the bass player dangdut now. In 1993, the Group established the Music Mix Manthous MajuLancar Gunungkidul. The results show the particularities campursari that already exist tune. There is a color of rock, reggae, gambang kromong, and more. There are also songs like Kutut Manggung pure Java, or Asmorondono Bowo, the gamelan tinged keyboards and bass guitar. Shared music group founded in 1993 and composed of relatives or associates sedaerah in Playen Gunung kidul, Yogyakarta, Manthous completing a volume record in Semarang. Sales turnover reached 50,000 tapes each volume, the highest compared cassette tune or kroncong general in mid-year 1990. In addition to singing alone in recording activities Manthuos also features the voices of singers Sulasmi of Sragen, Minul of Gunungkidul, and Sunyahni of Karanganyar. Some of the popular songs include earrings, Nyidamsari, Gandrung, and Kutut Manggung. However, his major work is widely known by the people of Indonesia are getuk was first popularized by Nurafni Octavia. Until before the end of a stroke, joint Manthous Mix Group Maju Lancar Gunung kidul a mecca for lovers of songs and campursari Java style.

Didi Kempot
Didi Prasetyo, or better known as Didi Kempot, is a prominent post-Manthous campursari. Didi Kempot who was born in Solo, December 31, 1966, it was only class II high school dropout. At first the child of Eddy Ranto Gudel, famous comedian Solo was a musician. From the world of the "street" that is, born of his songs that became hits, such as Stasiun Balapan, Terminal Tirtonadi, Tulung, Cucak Rowo, Wen-Chen-Yu, Yang Penting Hepi, and Moblong Moblong. Especially for Cucak Rowo, this song is actually a remake of an old song in Indonesia.

Today, the name of Didi Kempot very well known and has always been associated with tune and Mix Java. Didi is not only famous in Indonesia, but also to Surinam and the Netherlands. In Javanese society or Javanese descent, he was considered a superstar. In fact, when the President of Suriname, Weyden Bosch came to Indonesia in 1998, he personally invited Didi. Thanks to his dedication to music and songs colored Javanese tune, by the Javanese people in the Netherlands, he was later given the title of singer Models Java.

Didi's first album appeared in 1999. In it there is a song Cidro and StasiunBalapan. At first no one looked at his tape trader. Perhaps because the style of music another, and her style is crazy, than a song Manthous and Anjar Any that are popular in the 1990's. However, later, the first album had burst in the market. Since then, Didi became convinced to pursue song-song Java. Brother of comedian Mamiek Prakosa then became one of the icons of the tasters. Bids for the album came with a swift, even he had made ​​12 albums in a single year.

Famous Singers
There are some famous singers in the music world campursari. Among them some have also worked as a songwriter. Some of that should be discussed here, are described in detail below on other occasions.


Didi Kempot


Anik Sunyahni

Sundari Sukoco

Sonny Josz

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