
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Besides enjoying the beauty of the beach jaunt you can surf on the beach East Java Pacitan. the beauty of Indonesia

One more potential for tourism is owned by the city of a thousand caves Pacitan, a beach which is located about 1 hours drive from the city center towards the hamlet watukarung pacitan city southwest, the area commonly referred to watukarung white sand beach, located in the hamlet watukarung, before reaching the location we are offered a view of the rock of the rock around the right side of the road to the location, to the location of the road passing through the suburbs that good way, with a few potholes and damaged roads, the one thing that gives a plus on this one tourist spot, this tourist spot still rarely visited, can be seen from the lack of retribution into the location, the area is also very much still "virgin", white sand that stretches across the coast and coral reefs along the horizon giant beach adds to the beauty of a beach that is rarely visited by many tourists. a beautiful beach with turquoise waves stretched. White sand was very soft. Adorn coral islands offshore. The sun shines bright and blue skies made it all the more perfect. WatuKarung coast is nirvana.

Behind the beauty, beach Watu Karung proved to have extraordinary waves. With this type of reef break and the sea in the form of a rock, at certain moments WatuKarung Coast could produce barrels that will membuatsurfer was in heaven. Both surfers with style and natural goofy can surf here because WatuKarung Beach has waves left and right. This place is also not too crowded, so the surfer can catch waves with ease. Offshore winds usually come in from April to October, making these months are the best times to mingle with WatuKarung barrel. In 2009, Indonesia's top surfers Rizal Tanjung invite Bruce Irons, winner of Rip Curl Pro Search 2008 to try and prove how waves WatuKarung Beach is a world-class waves.

Place to stay:
Given watukarung white sand beach is a beach "new" which is rarely visited, so no lodging there, but for those who want to stay can stay in houses, people were still very friendly, or can set up a tent around the beach but be careful with the number of palm trees around the beach, sun rise and sun side of the right side of the mountain is very beautiful, so it is advisable to stay at the site ..

Terdapatr many who clean public toilets around the site (you can see the site plan), as well as a mosque near the site entrance. And a small cafeteria near the beach, near the coast there are also fish auctions.

From the terminal pacitan city center (terminal Arjosari) solo majors can use the bus / freight pickup, down at the T-junction area pringkuku then use flatbed transportation to the location. Lots of shortcut to the location, to the prospective travelers are expected to ask the residents if lost, there most people are still very friendly.

Fishing spot:
For fishing enthusiasts, the area shall be the visit because remember this beach also has the potential of fish that are still very abundant. for the angler can rent boats of the fishermen at fish auctions were about, or for that have minimal funding can utilize cliff cliffs around the coast for fishing.

Other awesome place:
On the west coast there are also beautiful beaches watukarung reservoir also has potential that is not less wiasata watukarung the beach, for the traveler wonderful beach reservoirs shall also be visited because it becomes a complement in this tour.

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