
Monday, January 28, 2013

Sedudo Falls Nganjuk Regency, East Java, Indonesia

Sedudo Falls is a waterfall and tourist attraction located in the Ngliman village Subdistrict Sawahan, Nganjuk Regency, East Java. The distance is about 30 km south of the district capital Nganjuk. Located at an altitude of 1438 meters above sea level, the height of the waterfall is about 105 meters. This tourist spot has good facilities, and transport are easily accessible.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Pendem Fort is Relics of Dutch colonialism

Ngawi a district in East Java, in what was once there Ngawi mysterious but now no longer. Mysterious place is a fortress Armed Battalion 12 headquarters used as a military training and then move to a new location in the fort was Siliwangi because conditions are not favorable. Yet despite Moving fort was used as a weapons storage. Perhaps iniyang caused this castle to be closed to the public and mysterious.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

the Beautiful Popoh Beach

Popoh Beach, is a coastal tourist attraction located on the Indian Ocean coast Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia. This beach is one of the mainstay tourism Tulungagung. Popoh is about 30 km south of the town Tulungagung. Popoh region in the east end of the South Mountains. Popoh beach is a beach that has been well developed by Local Government Tulungagung. Access to the beach can be reached popoh safely and comfortably through the pavement. Beach is a cove so the atmosphere created inside the typical atmosphere. The water is quite calm, the sea breeze is not so strong, and the beauty of the mountains surrounding the bay has become the main attraction of this beach.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Karang Bolong beach beauty is still natural

Beaches Sandy Karangbolong Is That Enough Ramps Beach Area, The Hills The Restricted By Compiled By rocks clastic sediment-volcanic origin. The Grey Colored Sand Smooth-Rough Sized Sourced From Such rocks. The Great Waves sweep Bumping The Wall hills Produce Enough Energy To Scrape, Transporting and precipitate Back Granules rocks. Weathering The Higher Degrees This area Accelerate Such Abrasion Process. Local, Lahar The Outcrop Breccia Being Experienced In Uptown Coastal Erosion, Abrasion Generate Unique formation. Having Karangbolong Coast Potential Reverse Flow Forming Strong, So Which Is Hazardous To Swim Zone. Other activities Travelers Can Do Is Fishing, Where Some Fish Species Coral Simply Abundant At This beach.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Besides enjoying the beauty of the beach jaunt you can surf on the beach East Java Pacitan. the beauty of Indonesia

One more potential for tourism is owned by the city of a thousand caves Pacitan, a beach which is located about 1 hours drive from the city center towards the hamlet watukarung pacitan city southwest, the area commonly referred to watukarung white sand beach, located in the hamlet watukarung, before reaching the location we are offered a view of the rock of the rock around the right side of the road to the location, to the location of the road passing through the suburbs that good way, with a few potholes and damaged roads, the one thing that gives a plus on this one tourist spot, this tourist spot still rarely visited, can be seen from the lack of retribution into the location, the area is also very much still "virgin", white sand that stretches across the coast and coral reefs along the horizon giant beach adds to the beauty of a beach that is rarely visited by many tourists. a beautiful beach with turquoise waves stretched. White sand was very soft. Adorn coral islands offshore. The sun shines bright and blue skies made it all the more perfect. WatuKarung coast is nirvana.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Charm of Klayar Beach

Klayar beach in the village of Sendang, entered in the District Donorojo, Pacitan, East Java. Beaches Klayar It is about 35 km to the west of the town Pacitan, and can reach about 60 minutes from the city Pacitan.

Klayar beach is a beach that has the characteristics of a white sand, blue sea, the rocks are dazzling. All that makes the beach with beautiful natural charm Pacitan. That characterizes this beautiful beach and makes a form of Tanah Lot corals were beautiful with the rock, also on the outskirts Coast Klayar many bumps that have characteristics of other beaches in pacitan.

Monday, January 14, 2013


Pacitan hilly awarded several caves are quite interesting. Gong Cave and Tabuhan Cave are two of them. Different conditions and charm served by both. Gong cave with stalactites and stalagmites beauty, while the Tabuhan Cave with rocks in it the sound that creates rhythm instrument ensemble.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Enjoy the beauty of Srau beach

Srau Beach is one of the natural beach that is still preserved in the district Pacitan. Is one of the favorites for the adventurous type or photo hunters due to its slightly farthest and has natural beauty in the form of an amazing beach.

Srau beach located in the village temple, Pringkuku District, located about 25 km westward Pacitan. Beaches may Srau attractions that should not be overlooked when we traveled to the town of Pacitan. Srau beach is famous for its beautiful white sand.

Friday, January 11, 2013

One more beaches you should visit, Ngliyep Beach in East Java.

Ngliyep Beach, located in the village of Kedungsalam, Donomulyo district, Malang regency. This beach is located on the southern coast of Malang district about 63 km from the city center. The beach is very beautiful in the area of Malang regency with amazing scenery and unspoiled. Many wooded cliffs around the beach.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Type Beaches Perigi

Located in the village Tasikmadu Watulimo district, about 69 km south of the city Trenggalek / Tulungagung with expansive beach and long ha ± 5 ± 2 km.

Swimming / water play, camping and sports, children's games, interactions with fishermen, fresh fish shopping, backed Nusantara Fishery Port, the largest on the south coast of Java and Fish Auction Place (TPI) and event anchoring marine / Sembonyo held every Sunday pasaran Pon Selo Javanese calendar month. At the bustling event witnessed visitors from within and outside the region.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Enchantment Beauty of Ijen Crater

The Ijen crater is located on top of Mount Ijen, which is one of a series of volcanoes in East Java such as Bromo, Semeru and Merapi. Mount Ijen is located east of Mount Merapi (in East Java there is also a mountain that has the same name as the mountain in Central Java, Mount Merapi). Area Tourism Kawah Ijen or Ijen Travel Park Reserve is located in the District of slippery, Banyuwangi and Sub Klobang, Bondowoso district.
The Ijen crater is located at an altitude of 2368 meters above sea level. What is interesting is the crater is located in the center of the caldera of the largest on the island of Java. Caldera size about 20 kilometers. Size of the crater itself is around 960 meters x 600 meters with a depth of 200 meters. The crater is located at depths greater than 300 meters below the caldera wall.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

GAMBANG is Traditional musical instruments from Java

A gambang, properly called a gambang kayu ('wooden gambang') is a xylophone-like instrument used among peoples of Indonesia and the southern Philippines in gamelan and kulintang, with wooden bars as opposed to the metallic ones of the more typical metallophones in a gamelan. A largely obsolete instrument, the gambang gangsa, is a similar instrument made with metal bars.

Gambang kayu
The bars of the instrument are made of a dense wood, generally teak. It also found in ironwood (kayu besi). The bars mounted in a deep wooden case that serves as a resonator. Instruments typically have 17-21 keys that are easily removed, and are kept in place by having a hole through which a nail is placed. Generally a full gamelan has two sets, one gambang pelog and the other one gambang slendro. A pair of long thin mallets (tabuh), made of flexible water buffalo horn tipped with felt, are used to play the instrument. Gambangs are generally played in parallel octaves (gembyang). Occasionally, other styles of playing are employed such as playing kempyung which are playing two notes separated by two keys. Unlike most other gamelan instruments, no dampening is required, as the wood does not ring like the metal keys of other instruments. The gambang is used in a number of gamelan ensembles. It is most notable in the Balinese gamelan Gambang. In Javanese wayang, it is used by itself to accompany the dalang in certain chants. Within a full gamelan, it stands out somewhat because of the high speed of playing, and contrasting timbre because of its materials and more because it has a wider melodic range than the other instruments. In Javanese gamelan, the gambang plays cengkok like the other elaborating instruments. However, the repertoire of cengkok for the gambang is more rudimentary than for other instruments (for instance, the gendér), and a great deal of variation is accepted.

Gambang gangsa
The gambang gangsa has a similar construction, although it generally has fewer keys (typically 15) and is thus somewhat smaller. It has largely been replaced by the saron family of instruments. It was formerly thought to have been a forerunner of the one-octave saron, although more recent evidence, including the appearance of the saron in reliefs at Borobudur in the 9th century, indicate that the instruments are of the same age or that the one-octave saron is older. In early 19th century writings on the Javanese gamelan, it seems to have been played like the gambang kayu; that is, as an elaborating instrument. Later, by 1890, it seems to have merely substituted for a saron, and have been restricted to a small range. Mantle Hood associated this use of limited range to a preference for certain octave arrangements of the cadences in various pathet.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Kuda Lumping Dance is the Cultural of Javanese ancestors

Kuda Lumping (literally flat horse; also known as Jaran Kepang in Javanese) is a traditional Javanese dance depicting a group of horsemen. Dancers "ride" horses made from woven bamboo and decorated with colorful paints and cloth. Generally, the dance portrays troops riding horses, but another type of Kuda Lumping performance also incorporates trances and magic tricks. When the "possessed" dancer is performing the dance in trance conditions, he can display unusual abilities, such as eating glass and resistance to the effects of whipping or hot coals. Although the dance is native to Java, Indonesia, it also performed by Javanese communities in Suriname, Malaysia and Singapore. (This original art from Java when it was held in Malaysia was carried out by Javanese who live there)