Remo dance originated from Surabaya, East Java. This dance is a dance that was originally used as an introduction to the show ludruk. However, the development of this dance is often danced separately as a welcome guest on statehood, danced in ceremonies of state, as well as the local arts festival. This dance tells the truth about the struggle of a prince in the battlefield. However, in its development is becoming more frequent dance danced by women, giving rise to different dance styles: Remo Remo Dance daughter or female styles.
Motion styles
Surabaya Fashion style
Sawunggaling Fashion styles
Malang Fashion styles
Jombangan Fashion Style
Girls Fashion Remo
accompaniment of music
Motion styles
The main characteristics that from Tari Remo is a smart footwork and dynamic. The movement is supported by the bells attached at the ankle. This bell sound when the dancers stepping or stomping on the stage. In addition, the movement karakteristika another scarf or sampur, nodding and shaking of the head movement, facial expression, and the horses dancers made ??this dance more attractive.
Clothing styles
Clothing from Remo dancers there are a variety of styles, including: Style Sawunggaling, Surabayan, misfortune, and Jombangan. There are also the typical clothing worn for Remo Dance styles women.
Surabaya Fashion style
Consisting of a red headband, shirt without buttons are black with royal style in the 18th century, the extent of the mid-calf pants dikait with gold needles, coastal batik sarong that hung down to his knees, setagen tied at the waist, and the dagger slipping back. Dancers wearing two scarves, one of which is used at the waist and the other pinned at the shoulder, with each dancer holding the hands of each end of the scarf. In addition, there is also a collection of anklet bells looped around the ankle.
Sawunggaling Fashion styles
Basically the same clothing worn Surabayan style, but what distinguishes the use of a long-sleeved white T-shirt instead of a black empire.
Malang Fashion styles
Fashion styles are basically the same Malangan styles with Surabayan fashion style, but the difference that the long pants to touch her ankles and not embeddable with a needle.
Jombangan Fashion Style
Fashion styles are basically the same Jombangan Sawunggaling style, but the difference is that dancers do not use a sock but uses the vest.
Girls Fashion Remo
Remo Girls has a distinct fashion style original remo. Dancers wear bun, wearing a black mekak to close the chest, use swamp to cover the waist to the knees, and only use one scarf are embeddable on the shoulder shrug.
Girls Fashion Remo
accompaniment of music
Remo Dance music that accompanies it is gamelan, which usually consists of bonang barung / babok, bonang successor, saron, xylophone, gender, slentem zither, flute, kethuk, kenong, kempul, and gongs. The type of rhythm that is often sung to accompany Tari Remo is a Jula-July and Tropongan, but can also be gending Walangkekek, Gedok smart, Krucilan or gending-gending new creations. In ludruk performances, dancers usually insert a song in the middle of the dance.
Children also preserving the the original culture of East Java
REMO dance that still exist although besieged by technological advances
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